TikTok for business - a full review

Today we will review one of the most popular and rapidly developing social networks - of course, we are talking about TikTok.
We will focus on the platform's tools and opportunities for business promotion and disclose new features that only some know.


It's simple: AdSkill agency works directly with platform representatives, including Google, Facebook*, Bigo Ads, TikTok, and others. Our Supervisors constantly communicate with offcial representatives to get the latest information for their clients.
Let's return to TikTok – a Chinese network that appeared relatively recently, only in 2016. In that time, the app has been downloaded more than 3.7 billion times, and the monthly visitors are more than 1.5 billion. The number of potential leads is impressive.

Some more numbers:
- Available in 154 countries in 75 languages
- Ranked #1 in downloads
- Users, on average, spend 50 minutes per day on clips
- Women make up 63.25% of the site's users
- The audience of the site has grown 19 times since 2018
- Huge U.S. audience - 140.58 million U.S. accounts

The TikTok format, short videos, has been happily picked up by other platforms: YouTube Shorts, VK clips, Instagram Reels, and Likee. It can only prove the incredible success and popularity of the format among the audience.

The format appears 5 seconds after opening the application.
TopView can be a clip or banner that takes up the entire screen. It lasts 5-60 seconds and can occur as a native video in the feed.

What it's suitable for:

Top-View is ideal for increasing brand awareness: it allows to achieve a broad reach and many impressions. It is better to hire a good video production company for Top-View videos than scrimp on production because it plays a paramount role here. Try to come up with an exciting and catchy script, add a quality picture, and million-dollar coverage is practically in your hands :) You can add a CTA button to the video.

What gives:
  • First message when you open the app
  • Guaranteed impressions
  • Up to 100% SOV
  • 5-60 sec video with sound
TopView in TikTok
A format with a transparent type of purchase and control of coverage and frequency.
What it's suitable for:

As the name suggests, it is considered the most native advertising format. Like TopView, it's perfect for strengthening positions and promoting a brand, especially a personal one. As the video is organically integrated into the tape's content and almost does not differ from other videos, it is better perceived by the audience.

What it gives:
  • Guaranteed shows (guarantee within +/- 5%)
  • 5-60 sec video with sound
If you're a blogger or just developing a personal brand while using TikTok - take your most popular video and start promoting it as In-Feed Ads.
Top Feed placement- first ad spot in the feed. A tool to increase brand awareness and get comprehensive coverage.
When using Top feed, ads appear first (among commercials and 4th in the feed, after three organic videos). The format is designed to achieve a broad reach and increase brand awareness and recognition.

What it gives:

Due to the first position in the feed among commercials, the Top feed can provide increased attention and engagement to the audience because people do not have time to get tired of viewing or "banner blindness” does not occur.

  • High user engagement (first ad in the feed)
  • Controllability (you can predict the coverage and frequency of impressions)
  • Additional branding opportunities
  • Customizable audiences, multiple creative strategies
The location of the Top Feed (the first advertising place in the feed)
HTC Mechanics
A content tool that engages audiences in personal interaction with the brand.
The essence of the Hashtag Challenge is to engage users and encourage the creation of UGC. Launch a challenge that everyone can participate in. Create a unique branded hashtag, usually associated with the name of the company or product. Adding an AR effect (a branded mask or filter) and music (also explicitly designed for the brand) to the challenge is also possible.
Find the terms of participation and description of the challenge on a particular page (HTC), which also displays all the videos of users with this hashtag. With this tool, you can get colossal coverage; the challenge can go viral and spread quickly, creating new infotainment.

There is a disadvantage: the spread and the context of use cannot be controlled. There is a risk of reputational damage.

Possible additions:
  • Branded emoji next to the hashtag
  • Contest with prizes from the brand
Content tool using AR technology, also can be used with HTC to increase engagement.
Branded Effect is an excellent old-fashioned mask. You can come up with an endless number of formats here: you can make a virtual clothes fitting, a game, a branded show, instructions, etc.

This creative tool is worth adding to the overall advertising campaign. It's more about image and audience engagement.
There are two options for advertisers. The first is essential: create 2D objects, masks, makeup masks, and filters. The second is advanced: add 3D objects and games here.
Advertising promotion format in which organic TikTok content is used as advertising creative (in the recommendation feed).
Spark Ads format allows the creation of TikTok In-Feed Ads or TikTok TopView Ads using organic posts.
A brand can use its content to promote in Spark Ads and the range of UGC users (with the author's permission).
One possible option for the advertiser: start a challenge, choose the best video from the participant, and promote it through Spark Ads - take note :)

What it gives:
  • Organic posts from brand and creator accounts
  • Maintains all organic audience interaction paths when promoting a +30% Completion Rate
  • +43% Conversion Rate
A tool for getting leads and user input.
TikTok Lead Generation is a convenient and automated lead form that appears immediately after your commercial. This way, you can gather an audience for a webinar or event and collect applications for a master class or training. You can also give a discount in exchange for user data and kill two birds with one stone (to get a possible purchase and the data of the relevant lead to warm him up with push notifications about promotions and new products).

User data is automatically filled into the lead form so that more leads can be collected. The user does not need to be distracted by filling out the form.
The lead form interface can be customized, and the collected leads are uploaded from the platform in one click (to any CRM system).

There is an important nuance:

If you don't process the information you receive in time, the leads will quickly go cold. To convert hot leads into deals, you can connect to Calltouch, the site's service for automatically calling each request.
After filling out the form, the system makes the call, and if the user responds, the widget script connects them to the brand's call center. What's important - the call is made as a callback and costs the potential client nothing.
Instantly loading landing page.
An evident and native landing page that loads 11 times faster than standard mobile pages. You can add a logo, video, text, carousel, and CTA.

What gives:
  • Seamless user path (the transition to the site happens directly in the app)
  • High load speed, lightweight mobile web page, speeding up to 11 times the user journey compared to conventional mobile sites and reducing CPA by up to 40%
  • Self-customizing and template-driven page design

As promised, we share the secret information from our TikTok SV. These three tools have recently appeared in advertising accounts and are only available for agency accounts.

1. App Profile Page

This tool is designed to increase app installation activity.
The App Profile Page is an instant form that says everything about the app (title, logo, rating, ad images, description, etc.). The page also automatically adds a CTA button for downloading the app. This format helps to increase conversion and lower CPI.

2. Premium Audience

Premium Audiences are narrow categories of targeting that are only available for agency accounts. For example, to advertise a game, you can choose its category: RPG games, strategy, simulation, and racing.
Thanks to premium audiences, you can get a more significant number of relevant leads and increase the campaign's conversion rate.

3. Interactive Module: Display Card

The Display Card is an interactive module that includes cards in video ads in the feed to highlight important messages, share exclusive offers, and drive traffic to the website or app. This format allows adding a unique, additional image to video ads in the feed. It can be used as the card in the ad functions as a call to action button, which directs traffic to the website or app download page.

Suitable for campaigns with "Reach and Frequency" and auction-style ads with "Traffic," "Conversions," "App Installations," and "Lead Generation" goals. This feature is currently only available to selected advertisers (on request).

1. Landing Page View (LPV)

Landing page view optimization to increase the traffic of campaigns.
The site's algorithms will look for users who are likely not just to click on the ad (miss click) but to reach the site and stay on it for at least 3 seconds.

For whom is it suitable?
  • For web customers without a deep funnel on the landing page
  • For companies who cannot use Pixel or the API because of data collection policies

  • no additional configuration or site installation needed
  • decreases the discrepancy between clicks in TTAM and visits in web analytics systems
  • traffic is of higher quality than click optimization

2. Smart Performance Campaign

The fastest way to create high performing ad campaigns. This automation is based on machine learning.

Easy to launch:
- Specify a budget and target, select the country, and upload videos
- Upload up to 30 videos and five texts to automatically generate creatives

- Purpose: App promotion (Android)
- Placement: Tik Tok
- Optimization: App settings, AEO, VBO
- Targeting available: location, languages

Well, we tried to make the most detailed review of all the tools, and most importantly - we told you about the brand-new features, which not all agencies or ordinary users know about :)

Many of these tools are only available in agency accounts, so if you are interested in any of them, write to us. We will tell you in detail about all the conditions and tell you which tool is best suited for promoting your product.

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