«Another Way To Promote The Telegram Channel»
September 7, 2023

Another Way To Promote The Telegram Channel

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Telegram is known as a powerful promotional channel, a key social network & messenger. You can meet giants like The Washington Post, Netflix, and VINCI here. This is a great platform for business promotion because, with the help of messenger information is delivered directly to the user's pocket. It remains to take out a smartphone & read the message.

Let's understand how effective and profitable it’s today to gather your target audience here to promote brand products. How do you choose the right one out of dozens of ways to advertise a Telegram channel, and what does Yandex.Direct have to do with it?
Telegram is used by ~800 million people every month. It’s most often downloaded on mobile devices in Russia and India, but it’s blocked in China and Iran. Today <10% of administrators earn ~1000$ on their channels, while up to 40% of advertisers spend ~250$ on promotion. It just so happens that the cloud messenger has "exorbitant" statistics:
  • The value of the company reaches $124$ billion;
  • The total audience of publishers exceeds 80 billion people;
  • <70 billion messages are sent on the network every day;
  • Messenger is used predominantly by men (58%);
  • Average time of visits — <4 hours/month;
  • Average price per 1000 impressions — up to $16.
Hard Facts
While most promotional platforms rely on visuals (Instagram, Tik Tok, Likee), Telegram prioritizes first-person text. It’s important always to consider how well it matches the advertising message and meets the request of potential subscribers.
Work Schemes Of Promotion
Many businesses successfully promote on Telegram: from construction and real estate to online schools. Hundreds of promotion methods on the site have long been reduced to 10, and from the list, you can safely cross off catalogues with a selection of channels, word of mouth, crowd marketing, attracting bots and spam on external links. But they work well:

  1. Paid advertising. You can achieve growth of up to 30,000 subscribers only on its purchase.
  2. Telegram Ads. Since 2021, ads have been brought directly into channels that have <1000 subscribers. But Telegram Ads's disadvantage is the entry threshold of 3,000 euros + 20% VAT + 15% to the intermediary. And long moderation takes, in rare cases, weeks.
  3. Free cross-promotion. You'll have to find groups with plus or minus the same number of subscriptions and coverage and agree with their owner on cooperation.
  4. Recommendations. According to statistics, 83% of people subscribe to TG-channels on recommendation, not looking for them alone.
  5. Yandex. Direct. This method allows you to run advertising on a public or a separate post. When there are sharp posts for the audience, they can be written in the Direct ad. It remains to add a catchy headline, and the text continues with a link to the post in the TG.

Let's focus on promotion through Yandex — the largest platform for contextual advertising on search engine pages & websites.
How To Promote Telegram Channels Via Yandex.Business?
Authors of TG channels should pay attention to promotion via Yandex due to flexible ad creation and audience selection. Advantages of launching advertising through Yandex:
  • Only five minutes separate an advertiser from launching TG-channel ads. He is required to add a link and a post. Yandex will independently create ads from them and select a site for display.
  • 50 000+ sites form the Yandex advertising network, and the channel ads are launched on several.
  • Yandex automatically checks posts daily and adds the most recent ones to the ads. It’s possible to upload up to 50 posts in advertising at the same time.
Those ads, created automatically, will be able to edit: change the photo, headline and message. There are two options available for the advertiser to launch:

  • From an intermediate page. In this case, the user clicks on the ad and reads the post, and then — goes to the channel
  • Without an intermediate page. In this case, the reader clicks on the ad and immediately goes to the public.
How does the promotion work?
Yandex demonstrates advertising in its own services, as well as on the sites of partners. Smart algorithms automatically select the places of displays based on the audience and topics. This approach optimizes costs and intelligently redistributes the advertising budget. All statistics can be viewed in the personal cabinet of Yandex.Business. It will inform you about the number of users:
  • Who has viewed the text of posts;
  • Who joined the channel.
Other Good News
You should definitely use the promotion of Telegram channels through Yandex! All conditions for their successful promotion have been created here. Especially since Yandex has recently started testing advertising in Telegram channels, such messages don't differ from other publications and only contain a link about the advertiser.

This ad also has an age tag or a disclaimer. The channel administrator only needs to give the bot the right to publish new messages — Yandex. Direct's neural networks will do the rest.

The AdSkill team will help you promote your business in Telegram via Yandex. We'll provide agent offices with advanced functionality. Our services share agency accounts that accurately increase the ad campaign's effectiveness and are distinguished by high-quality optimization and accelerated moderation. Don't miss your chance to scale your business by announcing yourself louder than ever!